Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Six ways I have hidden from the light: I am sometimes afraid to speak my mind and express my ideas, especially during class discussions; I have been living in my brother's shadow, I feel that I am always competing with him and I am hardly victorious; I never finished my application to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy, everything was all set and I just needed to finish two things, but I never did; I really haven't made any new friends since I've been here, I guess I'm afraid of being judge; I don't like doing things on my own, I have always had someone beside me for help and guidance; I'm afraid of my potential, I feel everything I have done was average and I never really go beyond what is expected.

A manifesto according to webster.com is a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.

I try to face the world with confidence and strength. Why should I worry about what others think about me and why should I not be myself to please others?? I am me and I am perfectly fine with that. I know there will be days, and there has been days, where I question who I am and wonder what others think about me. But the ones who truely love me give me the strength and confidence I need to get through days like that. One day long time from now, I want to look back on my life and know that I did everything I wanted and I did it exactly the way I wanted to. I want to be able to leave this world with no regrets.

1 comment:

Kimbi33 said...

Wow this is extremely deep. It takes a lot of courage to express how you feel deep down inside. This is something many people have trouble doing. I think that often times it feels better to express yourself and allow people to be aware. It also helps because you can find people who relate to you. In fact I can relate. I have always lived in my brothers shadow also. No matter how hard I try I feel as if I will never amount to his success. It's good you try to face the world with confidence and strength. I never would have thought you would feel this way and I think it's becaue of your confidence. Keep up those thoughts, and try not to get down about yourself!